

浦东新区-张江镇 | 不限工作经验 | 不限学历






职位描述: (1)依据已经确定的合成路线开展实验,得到最终产物,完成全合成项目和报告; (2)能够独立地设置和设计多步有机化学合成反应,评估并确立多条可行的合成路线; (3)选择各项反应参数,优化反应条件;打通合成路线; (4)熟练掌握实验室常用的化合物分离提纯技术和结构鉴定方法; (5)清晰完整地完成实验记录,项目进展报告,积极的与主管和客户进行良好的项目沟通; (6)与国际客户联系。 任职要求: (1)有机化学,药物化学,应用化学等化学相关专业毕业;本科两年以上,硕士一年以上相关工作经验者优先;(注:也欢迎优秀应届毕业生的加入) (2)有较强的独立工作能力和分析、解决问题能力; (3)有药物合成或有机合成相关工作经验者优先; (4)良好的英语听说读写能力; (5)具有团队协作精神,认真、严谨、有责任心。 Synthetic chemist (f/m) Job responsibilities 1.Planning and carrying out of preparative organic synthesis in lab-scale; providing and optimizing existing synthesis routes of active small molecules for the project. 2.Designing and conducting bench-scale and pilot-scale laboratory experiments, including development of test protocols and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs); 3.Own set of responsibilities in the project teams encompassing planning, operating and analyzing experiments; 4.Implementation and troubleshooting of analytical/purification methods; cleaning and maintaining laboratory equipment and supplies, reporting scientific results and present data analysis in tabular and graphical forms; 5.Interpreting data and meeting strict quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) guidelines on documentation when recording data; 6.Contact with international clients. Job requirements 1.Graduates, excellent fresh bachelors or fresh masters in organic chemistry, medicinal chemistry, chemistry and applied chemistry, related one-two years working experience in chemistry or medicinal chemistry; 2.Experience in developing and optimization/validation of multi-step analytical procedures including preparation of analytical standards and chemical reagents, performing sampling and extractions, and practical knowledge of instrumental analysis methods of organic and inorganic chemicals from various environmental media; 3.Demonstrated knowledge of analytical laboratory techniques, equipment, terminology and procedures, including mathematical calculations used in chemical analyses; 4.Demonstrated knowledge of standard laboratory safety practices, knowledge of principles and procedures of laboratory record keeping; 5.Very good written and spoken English skills; 6.Great attention to detail along with a good scientific sense for chemistry; 7.Self reliant and solution-oriented way of working, ability to work in a fast-paced and a team environment of a matrix-like organizational set-up and collaborate effectively as a team member.





• 少于50人

• 制药/生物工程

碧科是一个年轻的国际性生物医药公司,总部设立于德国慕尼黑。碧科的技术专长在于天然产物化学、组合化学、有机化学、结构生物学、筛选技术等领域。碧科致力于发展和优化新药候选分子的研究项目,拥有创新,完善的研发技术。碧科公司正在筹建一项独特的教学计划,旨于培养那些在生物技术领域有相同爱好的亚洲学生。作为这项计划的成果之一便是 BIFLORATM 数据库的建立。